Chicken Breasts, Cutlets, and Tenders: What's the Difference?
You're headed to the grocery store on a mission to buy boneless chicken breasts. You arrive at the store and to your pleasant surprise find the perfect parking spot. You enter the store strolling through the aisles without a care in the world when you come upon the packaged chicken. That's when it hits you, your simple quest to pick up boneless chicken breasts has become an annoying series of options: chicken breasts, chicken breast cutlets, and chicken tenders.
Image by samet uçaner from Pixabay
Boneless Chicken Breasts: Boneless chicken breast, besides obviously not having skin or bones, is the lean white meat that cut from the chest of the bird. It's usually separated and sold in halves at the grocery store.
Chicken Breast Cutlets: Chicken breast cutlets are just simply bone skinless chicken breasts that are sliced horizontally so that they're not as thick.
Chicken Tenders: Chicken tenders, or chicken tenderloins, is a muscle that lies just beneath the chicken breast. The tenderloin is white meat that pretty much tastes indistinguishable from the chicken breast.
Substituting: Chicken breasts, cutlets, and tenders can easily be swapped out for one another in recipes. The only thing you have to consider is cooking time since the different cuts vary in size.
Chicken Breast Cutlets: Chicken breast cutlets are just simply bone skinless chicken breasts that are sliced horizontally so that they're not as thick.
Chicken Tenders: Chicken tenders, or chicken tenderloins, is a muscle that lies just beneath the chicken breast. The tenderloin is white meat that pretty much tastes indistinguishable from the chicken breast.
Substituting: Chicken breasts, cutlets, and tenders can easily be swapped out for one another in recipes. The only thing you have to consider is cooking time since the different cuts vary in size.